Saturday, January 7, 2012

Better Late Than Never?

This blog has  languished for a long time. I am not sure  how to be honest  in a blog about creativity and aging --so many changes have  taken place in the past  two years.  I was aware that I was approaching a transition. I was expecting to retire from a position that I had held for 26 years.  But I had no sense  of how events would  unfold in the next few months and how those events would outstrip all of my expectations.

I wanted to make something of it. The idea behind that title is one of creativity.  I felt that I needed to see that I had in my life and experience all the material that I needed to write stories, poems, memoirs whatever.

But instead of writing, I got caught up in the vortex  of care giving, moving, and aging in a way that was never easy or predictable..